Our advantages

Use all the features of the Tegro.money service.

Enable payment acceptance
Our advantages

A complete solution for your business

One payment solution for all everyday tasks

We implement all the functionality of the payment gateway necessary for receiving payment we integrate directly with acquiring banks, and also meet all PCI requirements DSS.

Connect Tegro.money

Instant connection

Recurrent and repeated payments, tokenization of cards, payments to card (OCT, MOTO, e-invoicing, dynamic descriptor, long record, Apple DSRP Pay, etc.).

Security system

Payments and settlements in any currencies, dynamic conversion, as well as Programming of payment processing scenarios.


Host-to-host and pre-host integration with acquiring banks, payment systems, support for 3-D Secure via MPI.


A simple RESTful API for connecting merchants and the most functional in the merchant's back office market.

The highest level of protection at all stages of operation

As befits all global companies, Tegro.money has a high level of reliability. All transactions and financial transactions are thoroughly filtered and verified by the service safety.

That is why we guarantee the safety of your funds and deeply value trust of our partners, and all security issues are always on priority positions.

Connect the payment right now

Connect the payment to your
business in just a few clicks

Connect business

Learn more from the documentation

Detailed documentation about the Tegro.Money system
